
Friday, 30 December 2016

Day Life In School Summer Learning Journey


  1. Hi Alex!

    It's great to see that you have posted so many blogs for the Summer Learning Journey programme. We are really enjoying each and every one that you have posted!

    I particularly enjoyed reading this post as it gives me a very good idea of what you do at school on a regular basis. It's wonderful to see that you have time for reading, writing and solving maths problems. It's also great to see that you take regular breaks and have the opportunity to play with your friends.

    I hope that you are finding time over the break to catch up with friends and hang out. Aronui (my son) and I took a small break from our blogging today to go down to the beach and play in the water. It was so much fun!

    When we were done we came back and I started blogging while Aronui read a book. He's really into the Harry Potter books at the moment.

    Have you read any of the Harry Potter books?

    Keep up the great work with your blogging, Alex. You are practicing some really important reading and writing skills by blogging over the break. It's awesome to see!

    All the best,

    Rachel :)

  2. Hi again Alex!

    Cool schedule. Looks like you know what you're doing! What would you add to this schedule if you could?



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